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What is BUBU?

Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) is a unique initiative that was introduced by the Government of the Republic of Uganda through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives (MTIC). The idea behind BUBU is to promote the consumption usage and appreciation of locally produces goods and services. In 2014 the Cabinet took a step and approved the BUBU Policy envisioned on developing a vibrant dynamic and competitive private sector that transforms local products through the value chain to meet the required standards. The BUBU Policy is Premised on three (3) Key Objectives which include the following:

  1. To promote consumption of local goods and services.
  2. To promote the use and conformity to standards to guarantee quality goods and services.
  3. To provide capacity building programs to local suppliers of goods and services.

About the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

The Mandate

The mandate of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MoTIC) as derived from the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995 – Article 189, Sixth Schedule Sections 11, 12, 13, 20, 23, 25 and 29) is:

“To formulate, review and support policies, strategies, plans and programs that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade, cooperatives, environmentally sustainable industrialization, appropriate technology development and transfer to generate wealth for poverty eradication and benefit the country socially and economically.”

The Vision

The vision of the Ministry is: “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade and world class industrial products and services” and the mission of the Ministry is: “To develop and promote a competitive and export-led Private Sector through accelerating industrial development for economic growth.”


Uganda has consistently been hit hard by a persistent trade deficit which is majorly resulting from a huge import bill. The domestic market has for long been repellant to the local content and products like plastics, Uniforms, Textile, Shoes cement, eggs and beverages. The local products have not been in conformity to standards not well labelled and packaged, and therefore not attractive to the consumers to guarantee quality goods and services in Uganda.

BUBU Opportunities

One very profound opportunity for BUBU is the discovery of Oil in Uganda. with a total number of 18 fields which have been discovered with approximately 2.5 billion barrels of oil. This is a great opportunity for local manufacturers, producers and service providers to supply the Oil and Gas Sector in Uganda.
The National Planning Authority (NPA) already created the National Supplier Database (NSD). This is also in conformity with the Uganda oil and petroleum Act which requires contractors or sub-contractors to give preference to goods and services produced or available in Uganda, and services rendered by Ugandan citizens or companies.
In the absence of such goods or services, a joint venture company in the oil and gas sector with a minimum of 48% shares for local entrepreneurs can be used to provide the goods or services.

About Manifesto Publications

We are a publishing company working hand in hand with government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). We are the publishers of the BUBU Magazine, and this BUBU Online website.